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Happy New Year sign with leaves

2021 HOPE Year in Review

2021 was a very successful year for HOPE! Not only did we expand programming from coast to coast and overseas, so have our team and partners. Below are the extraordinary ways that HOPE grew throughout 2021!

Snowflake on pile of snow

HOPE during the Holiday’s

The holiday season is a time of family, traditions, and kindness, and it also can be a time of hardship, stress, and grief. At HOPE, we wish you a holiday season filled with opportunities to build relationships, to be safe…

Massachusetts State House

Interview with Judy Langford

Having an alternative way of understanding ACES and putting it in the larger picture of positive experiences is essential to the ongoing mission of virtually every professional working with children or families. ” Please introduce yourself and your work to…

graphic showing HOPE and Center for the Study of Social Policy logos with blue and teal sans-serif type below

Frank Farrow and “Passing the Baton”

“Passing the Baton” is a collection of essays assembled by editors Mark Joseph, Frank Farrow, and Leila Fiester and posted on the website of the Washington DC-based Center for the Study of Social Policy. The collection is dedicated to Harold…

Photo of smiling kids

Spreading HOPE through Our Online Course

The Spreading HOPE Online Learning Course (HOPE LMS) was released in June of 2020. Since then, over 400 learners have signed up for the course through Tufts iLearn, and more than 120 completed the course. Through five interactive modules, learners…

Photo of Native American children

New HOPE-informed Resources

One of our favorite things to do at the HOPE National Resource Center is to partner with others to create new tools. Over the past few weeks, we have had multiple requests from our HOPE Innovation Network members and West…

Graphic showing HOPE logo with headshot of Melody Centeno and teal sans-serif type

Interview with Melody Centeno, MSW

We met Melody Centeno when she spoke at the National Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect this spring. She embodies so much of what HOPE stands for: the healing told of sustained nurturing relationships, and how safe stable and equitable…

Photo of laptop with video call and a plant in foreground

HOPEful Conversations Workshop Series

Join us for a series of virtual conversations about HOPE, Healthy Outcomes from Positive Experiences. Each 60-minute conversation will provide a brief overview of the research behind the HOPE framework, and then dive into HOPE in practice. Facilitated by experts…

Little girl playing basketball with adult male with teal sans-serif type below

Updated Resource: Ten Ways to Promote PCEs

A year ago, we posted a blog with ten ways to help children have positive experiences during the pandemic. Now, we know that most families have struggled – successfully – to create positive experiences for their young children during this…

Collage of photos with Tufts Public Health logo

Fall 2021 Student Interns: Welcome to HOPE!

Meet our four new talented students who will be joining us this fall! Suki Lee, Tracy Xin Li, Raymond Graham, and Yixin Li will be working with us on several projects, helping us grow our knowledge and expand our practice…

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