Today, Tuesday, March 8, is the second day in our Week of HOPE. This week is intended to spread awareness of HOPE – Healthy Outcomes from Positive ExperiencesTM and help people learn about the difference that positive childhood experiences can make for children, families, and those who serve them.
Today’s theme is HOPE in Practice. Our main event for today is our Annual HOPE Summit – Growing HOPE, registration is open until the start of the conference. Register for the Summit now. We are also sharing resources and releasing a new podcast episode, all of which share how others have implemented the HOPE framework and ways to integrate it into your work and organization!
As an added bonus, do not miss our Week of HOPE celebration virtual swag bag with fun HOPE-themed Zoom backgrounds, HOPE face masks, and much more!
Happening today:
- Today, we are hosting the Second Annual HOPE Summit – Growing HOPE! Registration is still open. See you there!
- We also released the second episode of A HOPEful Podcast. Listen-in to a conversation that our HOPE directors had about the different ways they have seen organizations practice HOPE! Listen to the episode here.
Resources for HOPE in practice:
- Four Ways to Assess PCEs
- The HOPE Innovation Network
- HOPE-informed Supervision and Leadership handout
- Antiracism toolkit
- HOPE In Practice blog posts
- Learn on your own through our self-paced HOPE online learning module
- Diverse Training opportunities
- For virtual zoom backgrounds, HOPE Face Masks, games, and more, check out our virtual swag bag for the Week of HOPE.