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AAP Snapshot: In the Words of Parents

The American Academy of Pediatrics released two new snapshots in the Family Snapshots: Life during the Pandemic series. These reports share what parents found the most helpful or most challenging in raising their children throughout lockdown and as the pandemic progressed.

Parents and child at picnic

HOPE Awarded Grant from the American Public Health Association

The HOPE National Resource Center is thrilled to announce we have been awarded a grant from the American Public Health Association (APHA). We will collaborate with the RAND Corporation to conduct scoping reviews of the literature relating to childhood exposure to both adverse and positive experiences.

Hands tending garden.

Help Us Declare a Week of HOPE

This year we will be hosting a Week of HOPE, this will take place March 7 – 11, 2022. Throughout the week we will highlight all the amazing work of HOPE featuring the many organizations we have worked with and who use HOPE to support children, families, and communities. The HOPE framework offers a new approach that brings identifying, celebrating, and promoting positive experiences to the forefront of care.

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