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Picture of Elliott Hinkle with orange background

Interview with National Advisory Board Member Elliott Hinkle

Read our interview with Elliott Hinkle, member of the HOPE National Advisory Board and the HOPE Family and Community Experts Council. “HOPE is like, when someone brings you a problem and you want them to also bring a solution. How are we thinking differently about the work and moving beyond what is bad and what is hard to how we are going to make any change here. It has given me, funnily enough, hope in the work.”

Two girls dancing

HOPE in National Hispanic Heritage Month

National Hispanic Heritage Month takes place from September 15 to October 15. HOPE recognizes how culture, heritage, and tradition play a large role in a child’s access to positive childhood experiences.

Spray painted heart

HOPE on Social Media

The HOPE National Resource Center is now on social media! We launched our social media in February of this year and have spent the past several months growing our presence on both Twitter and LinkedIn.

Young girl in sand

HOPE in Public Resources

In addition to creating our own materials, we partner with child and family service organizations around the country to add HOPE to their services and resources. This blog highlights two public resources that grew out of those partnerships.

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