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Spreading HOPE Publication Launch

Spreading HOPE Publication Launch

We are thrilled to share a new resource, Spreading HOPE. The Spreading HOPE publication describes why HOPE exists, our mission, and more specifics about our goals and strategies. As the demand for HOPE and positive childhood experiences mounted throughout the…

Remembering Dr. Carl Bell

Remembering Dr. Carl Bell

During my pediatric residency, I worked one evening a week at the adolescent clinic. Many of the patients assigned to me were teenage boys from the area surrounding our hospital, most of them Black. This was during a time when…

Spreading HOPE – the First Annual HOPE Summit

Spreading HOPE – the First Annual HOPE Summit

We are thrilled to invite you to the Spreading HOPE – First Annual HOPE Summit on April 9! Our virtual summit seeks to inspire a group of leaders who will, together, champion a HOPE-informed movement. We have the opportunity to…

HOPE High School Phone Photography Contest Winners

HOPE High School Phone Photography Contest Winners

A portrait of a doctor, the photographer’s father, reviewing charts during Covid-19. A snapshot of bubbles and chalk art. A photo of protestors fighting for more equitable school reopening plans. These are some of the winning entries to the HOPE…

Reflections on Martin Luther King Jr.

Reflections on Martin Luther King Jr.

“For those who are telling me to keep my mouth shut, I can’t do that…I’m not going to segregate my moral concerns. And we must know on some positions, cowardice asks the question, ‘Is it safe?’ Expediency asks the question,…

Talking with Kids About the News

Talking with Kids About the News

Last Wednesday, we woke up in the morning to learn that Georgia had elected a Jewish filmmaker and a Black pastor as its new US Senators; each represented a milestone and a rejection of the racist and anti-Semitic ads funded…

Ringing in a HOPEful New Year

Ringing in a HOPEful New Year

Happy New Year from the HOPE National Resource Center! In the new year, you can expect to see even more workshops, partnerships, and resources from the HOPE team. We look forward to another year of engaging with you, learning from…

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