A growing wave of individuals are joining the HOPE (Healthy Outcomes from Positive Experiences) movement, uplifting the important role positive childhood experiences play in healthy development. Now, the HOPE National Resource Center is excited to announce new resources in English and Spanish! These materials supplement HOPE trainings and technical assistance, geared toward parents, medical providers, educators, home visitors, and more.
We recently partnered with Health+ Studios to update the look and feel of HOPE. We’ve paired their style guidance with requests from you, practitioners out in the real world who are incorporating HOPE into practice, to create these materials. New to the Handouts and Worksheets page, you’ll find some parent-focused materials in English and Spanish including:
- 4 Building Blocks for Parents / Los 4 Pilares Fundamentales de HOPE para las Familias
- 10 Ways to Promote Positive Childhood Experiences for Families / 10 Formas para que las Familias Fomenten Experiencias Positivas para los Niños
We’ve also created:
- An “About HOPE” document in English and Spanish
- a checklist for organizations to help them assess policies and procedures through a HOPE-informed lens
- 10 Ways to Promote PCEs for Providers, and
- sector-specific resources about increasing access to the 4 Building Blocks that can be used by medical providers, educators, and home visitors.
We are here to help you incorporate HOPE into your practice! If there are resources that would be helpful for us to create, either entirely new documents or existing resources translated into different languages, please reach out! Our goal is to empower you with the materials you need to spread HOPE. You can email hope@tuftsmedicalcenter.org with requests!