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New HOPE Resources and Photo Contest

New HOPE Resources and Photo Contest

These past few months have been very busy for HOPE, with digital workshops reaching hundreds of providers and frontline workers across the country, research projects under way, and more. For a comprehensive update of what we’ve accomplished in September, check…

A Guide to HOPE Resources, Part 2

A Guide to HOPE Resources, Part 2

In May, we wrote a blog post about HOPE resources which stated, “As HOPE grows, the collection of resources on our website grows as well.” Several months later, this statement holds true. In light of new resources, this is…

Keep Up-to-Date with the HOPE Newsletter

Keep Up-to-Date with the HOPE Newsletter

As HOPE grows, each month brings a bevy of new workshops, blog posts, materials, and updates. If you are interested in staying up to date with the latest HOPE happenings, click here to sign up for our monthly newsletter, which…

A HOPE-informed approach to the initial encounter

A HOPE-informed approach to the initial encounter

How can providers translate HOPE into action? Faced with the multiple demands and increasing accountability of every aspect of the encounter, where does an assessment of assets fit in?  To answer that question, we take a step back and remember…

Newly Launched Page: Stories of HOPE

Newly Launched Page: Stories of HOPE

As the pandemic stretches far into the foreseeable future, with jobs, schooling, housing, and almost every other aspect of life a swirl of uncertainty, it is easy to fixate on the negative. Here at HOPE, we do not deny the…

Introducing HOPE’s Newest Team Member

Introducing HOPE’s Newest Team Member

Over the last year, HOPE has continued to evolve and grow. Now, we’d like to share an exciting development: a new research assistant joined the team last week! We are so happy to have our newest member, Loren McCullough, on…

Reflections of HOPE with our National Advisory Board

Reflections of HOPE with our National Advisory Board

The HOPE National Advisory Board met virtually on July 14. This extraordinary and diverse group of leaders is deeply invested in the success of our work. Over the past year, we’ve built the trust needed to have candid conversations about…

A New, HOPEful Logo by Artists For Humanity

A New, HOPEful Logo by Artists For Humanity

By Chloe Yang and Dr. Robert Sege This week, we are launching our new HOPE logo, designed by a team of Boston graphic artists—who happen to be high schools students—and their mentor.  Here is how our logo came to be:…

A Guide to HOPE Resources

A Guide to HOPE Resources

As HOPE grows, the collection of resources on our website grows as well. Some of our offerings include handouts and worksheets, videos, presentations, and earned media articles. In this blog post, we will walk you through the materials HOPE…

HOPE from Home: An Update

HOPE from Home: An Update

We hope all is well with each of you and that you are managing during these challenging times. We wanted to update you on the progress of the HOPE project. Please follow along on this blog as we continue…

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