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10 Ways to Avoid ACEs

10 Ways to Avoid ACEs

How can we reduce ACEs and toxic stress during the COVID-19 pandemic? Many of us are concerned that increased stress might increase the risk for ACEs. For example, most child abuse happens when adults reach their breaking point. However, we are…

HOPE, Engagement, and COVID-19

HOPE, Engagement, and COVID-19

Last week, I wrote a brief blog post about a HOPE-informed approach to the restrictions from COVID-19. Since then, I’ve been thinking about one of the building blocks of HOPE: engagement. As children grow and develop, engaging with the larger…

Parents Are NOT Broken

Parents Are NOT Broken

Written by Corey B. Best, consultant and professional guide, Birth Parent National Network, for the Children’s Bureau Express. HOPE is fortunate and grateful to have Corey as a member of its National Advisory Board. Re-posted here with his permission. When…

Health Equity and HOPE

Health Equity and HOPE

As described in Dina’s recent blog, our team just returned from California. The issue of health equity arose in our discussions; this blog addresses how we think about HOPE and equity. HOPE (Healthy Outcomes from Positive Experiences) arises from a…

HOPE in California

HOPE in California

On January 1, 2020, California launched a first of its kind program to combat the ill effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES), the ACES Aware Initiatives spearheaded by California Surgeon General Nadine Burke Harris, MD. Through this program, the state…

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