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Reflections on Martin Luther King Jr.

Reflections on Martin Luther King Jr.

“For those who are telling me to keep my mouth shut, I can’t do that…I’m not going to segregate my moral concerns. And we must know on some positions, cowardice asks the question, ‘Is it safe?’ Expediency asks the question,…

Ringing in a HOPEful New Year

Ringing in a HOPEful New Year

Happy New Year from the HOPE National Resource Center! In the new year, you can expect to see even more workshops, partnerships, and resources from the HOPE team. We look forward to another year of engaging with you, learning from…

Growing the HOPE Team

Growing the HOPE Team

2020 was a year of rapid growth for the HOPE National Resource Center. HOPE workshops are in high demand, we formed research partnerships with Prevent Child Abuse America, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the Massachusetts Department of Public Health,…

Strengthening HOPE with Parent Feedback

Strengthening HOPE with Parent Feedback

At the HOPE National Resource Center, one of our greatest joys is having opportunities to work with and learn from those engaged with HOPE—from workshop participants, advisors, and collaborators, to blog readers and commenters. This engagement and co-learning both spreads…

A HOPEful Thanksgiving: Follow-Up

A HOPEful Thanksgiving: Follow-Up

Last week, in anticipation of an unprecedented Thanksgiving experience, we published a special holiday blog post. The post was composed of crowdsourced stories, featuring individuals’ efforts to safely create positive experiences during a socially distanced time. Our first story came…

Preventing Cognitive Skill Gaps with Positive Experiences

Preventing Cognitive Skill Gaps with Positive Experiences

More and more evidence points to the important role positive childhood experiences play in child development. Today’s blog post is based off of an interview with Dr. Ron Ferguson, founder and president of The Basics (a public health approach to…

Newly Launched: the HOPE Pilot Learning Module

Newly Launched: the HOPE Pilot Learning Module

The HOPE (Healthy Outcomes from Positive Experiences) National Resource Center has long held interactive workshops—made virtual during the pandemic—which teach participants about positive childhood experiences, the science of HOPE, the evidence-based Building Blocks of HOPE, how to translate HOPE into…

New HOPE Resources and Photo Contest

New HOPE Resources and Photo Contest

These past few months have been very busy for HOPE, with digital workshops reaching hundreds of providers and frontline workers across the country, research projects under way, and more. For a comprehensive update of what we’ve accomplished in September, check…

Positive Childhood Experiences in Ojibwe Culture

Positive Childhood Experiences in Ojibwe Culture

HOPE knows that all families, communities, and cultures have inherent strengths. In recent webinars with The Montana Institute, we’ve learned real world examples of this from co-presenters at the Minnesota Indian Women’s Resource Center (MIWRC). Zhawin Gonzalez, or Wasegabo, is…

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