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Teen and Young Adult Engagement during Covid-19

Teen and Young Adult Engagement during Covid-19

Note: The image above was provided by Artists for Humanity, a nonprofit organization of teen artists and designers which HOPE is currently working with. This picture was taken before the Covid-19 pandemic, and we encourage social distancing/public health requirements. It’s…

Challenges and HOPE for Children During Covid-19

Challenges and HOPE for Children During Covid-19

Today’s blog is coming from the perspective of Dr. Bob, the pediatrician. Over the past couple of weeks, I have been working with a wonderful team from the American Academy of Pediatrics to develop information for pediatricians around the country.…

HOPE from Home: An Update

HOPE from Home: An Update

We hope all is well with each of you and that you are managing during these challenging times. We wanted to update you on the progress of the HOPE project. Please follow along on this blog as we continue…

Love in the Time After Covid-19

Love in the Time After Covid-19

A lot has happened in the month since we first published “Love in the Time of Coronavirus” in this blog space. We are now publishing regularly and have featured the perspectives of Drs. David Willis, Danielle Laraque-Arena, Heather Forkey, and…

10 Ways to Avoid ACEs

10 Ways to Avoid ACEs

How can we reduce ACEs and toxic stress during the COVID-19 pandemic? Many of us are concerned that increased stress might increase the risk for ACEs. For example, most child abuse happens when adults reach their breaking point. However, we are…

HOPE, Engagement, and COVID-19

HOPE, Engagement, and COVID-19

Last week, I wrote a brief blog post about a HOPE-informed approach to the restrictions from COVID-19. Since then, I’ve been thinking about one of the building blocks of HOPE: engagement. As children grow and develop, engaging with the larger…

Health Equity and HOPE

Health Equity and HOPE

As described in Dina’s recent blog, our team just returned from California. The issue of health equity arose in our discussions; this blog addresses how we think about HOPE and equity. HOPE (Healthy Outcomes from Positive Experiences) arises from a…

Policies for Positive Childhood Experiences

Policies for Positive Childhood Experiences

It is now 2020, and I’m tempted to make jokes about having “20/20 vision” for the future. Let’s pass up those jokes, and concentrate a little bit of what we learned in the past year. Across the United States, those of us…

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