As we ring in the New Year, HOPE is looking forward to all our new trainings, workshops, resources, and activities! Keep reading to find out more about upcoming opportunities: to present a workshop at the 2022 HOPE Summit, to become a certified HOPE facilitator, and to join a conversation of HOPE with others in your field.
2022 Virtual HOPE Summit/ Call for Workshop Proposals
Currently, we are accepting proposals to host a workshop during the 2022 Virtual HOPE Summit on March 8th. Workshops will be 60 minutes in length, and facilitators will have the option to present the same content up to three times. These workshops are meant to be highly-interactive with minimal lecture-style presenting. All workshops should address incorporating the HOPE framework into some area of practice at the direct service, administrative, community, or policy level. Workshop facilitators will receive one free Summit registration per facilitator (maximum of three facilitators per workshop). You can submit your proposal here by January 28, 2022, sign-up for our Summit interest list for up-to-date information about the Summit, and email HOPE@tuftsmedicalcenter.org with any questions.
Public Train the Facilitator
We are excited to open our Train the Facilitator programs to the public! You can register for one of two cohorts occurring during January and February. Each cohort will consist of 10-15 individuals working around the country in different sectors who want to Spread HOPE. Together, you will complete three interactive, hands-on sessions over the course of 5 weeks and end the program as a certified HOPE facilitator. Learn more and register here.
HOPEful Conversations
HOPEful Conversations will continue in 2022, join us for the next two on January 11th HOPE in Healthcare and February 14th HOPE in Early Relational Health, at 3 p.m. EST/ 12 p.m. PST. Register for HOPE in Healthcare and register for HOPE in Early Relational Health.
The next session, HOPE in Healthcare will be an open discussion about using the HOPE Framework and promoting Positive Childhood Experiences (PCEs) in health care settings. The HOPEful Conversations Workshop series is open to the public, and we invite anyone who works in all areas of health care, mental, physical and spiritual, to join us. Continuing education credits are also available for participants. Learn more and register for other HOPEful Conversations on our website.
Photo by Artem Kniaz on Unsplash