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Strengthening Families During Covid-19

Strengthening Families During Covid-19

Today’s post is based on an interview with Rev. Darrell Armstrong, pastor of the Shiloh Baptist Church of Trenton, NJ for the past 20 years. He is considered a national leader on issues pertaining to child welfare and family strengthening. Most…

Love in the Time After Covid-19

Love in the Time After Covid-19

A lot has happened in the month since we first published “Love in the Time of Coronavirus” in this blog space. We are now publishing regularly and have featured the perspectives of Drs. David Willis, Danielle Laraque-Arena, Heather Forkey, and…

Resilience, Development, and Covid-19

Resilience, Development, and Covid-19

Being in nurturing, supportive relationships are critical for children to develop into healthy, resilient adults. This concept forms the first of the 4 Building Blocks of HOPE. The first of these positive childhood experiences is having parents/caregivers who are responsive and…

HOPE in the Boston Globe (Oct. 2019)

HOPE in the Boston Globe (Oct. 2019)

Kay Lazar of the Boston Globe wrote this article highlighting HOPE research, and how, just as it is important to monitor for adverse childhood events (ACEs) and toxic relationships, it is also incredibly important it is to monitor and encourage…

How can WE Increase HOPE in Communities?

How can WE Increase HOPE in Communities?

Promote nurturing, supportive relationships by addressing parents’ mental health needs; encouraging play, reading aloud, and talking together.Help families learn to receive and share parenting information with their community.  Support safe, stable, and protective environments by linking children and families with support…

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