The Tufts Interdisciplinary Evaluation Research (TIER) team evaluated HOPE for the year ending August 31, 2021. We are pleased to share their findings! TIER evaluated the effectiveness of the HOPE trainings and the HOPE Innovation Networks (HIN).
HOPE trainings have grown notably over the past year. HOPE reached 18 states including Wyoming, Kansas, Utah, and Georgia, training over 12,000 people. After the training, many participants have greater confidence about how to discuss positive childhoods experiences (PCEs) with families. TIER found that HOPE workshops increased participants’ knowledge and confidence to implement and practice the HOPE framework.

The workshop was very helpful in giving a language and framework to the work I already do. I already work to foster resilience in my clients and students, so I now have a framework to work from.
I will continue to think about how I can incorporate the HOPE framework into my sessions as well as sharing the knowledge and opportunities for development with my colleagues.
This evaluation highlighted the changes participants see after the HOPE trainings. Changes include; better emotional well-being of family and providers, improved provider-family communication, and greater compassion toward families.

HOPE is increasing the trainings that we offer. Trainings range from sector specific HOPEful Conversations workshops, trainings for organizations, and the self-led Spreading HOPE online course. From this evaluation, HOPE trainings can continue to promote using PCEs in many sectors and train a wide variety of organizations and groups on the HOPE framework.
TIER also looked at the HOPE Innovation Network (HIN), launched in January 2021. HIN brought together six different organizations to create small tests of change to add HOPE to their work. Members found the monthly meetings helpful in making connections between their own work and that of other HIN members.
HIN members, shared ideas and expressed interest in the implementation ideas of other HIN members. Their ability to collaborate across disciplines allowed for a unique learning opportunity. Those who worked directly with families heard how HOPE was being implemented at the community level. Members applied ideas from other HIN members’ small tests of change to their own organizations’ efforts. An example is a handout that one provider created, piloted with families, and then shared with other members. The other members expressed interest in the possible utility of that handout in their own work.
HOPE is now recruiting for more HIN participants. If you are interested in being a representative for your organization, apply today! The deadline is November 29, 2021.
We are proud to share the findings of the TIER report. The report shows different ways that workshop participants can implement the HOPE framework. It also shows how HIN members implemented HOPE through small tests of change within their organizations. From this evaluation, we can see how HOPE is spreading through organizations, practices, and sectors.
Photo by Susan Holt Simpson on Unsplash