Today, the HOPE team leader, Dr. Robert Sege, joined with HOPE National Advisory Board member David Willis and HOPE consultant Kay Johnson to call for a change in mindset for child-serving professionals and organizations.
The collaborative post begins with the following excerpt:
The three of us have been talking together for years – and have come to believe that it is important to articulate our common vision for the work we lead on behalf of children, families and communities. We are making a commitment to become allies in this important work, intentionally aligning the work on foundational relationships and early relational health led by David Willis, the work on Healthy Outcomes from Positive Experiences led by Bob Sege and the leadership by Kay Johnson for maternal-child health, early childhood system building and Medicaid policy.
The post then highlights the unified vision so many of us share:
Strengths-based, family-centered and anti-racist approaches have already begun to transform pediatric care, early childhood systems, and social norms. We are witnessing an urgency for change that has spread through pediatric primary care, home visiting, and child welfare, as well as early childhood systems and community partnerships across the country. In addition to countless papers, editorials, and reports, numerous programs have successfully implemented this general approach.
Click here for the whole blog, posted on the Center for the Study of Social Policy website.