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The Importance of Relationships and Equity in Foster Care

The Importance of Relationships and Equity in Foster Care

Today’s post is based on an interview with Victor Sims, an active advocate for children in foster care. Victor works as a case manager supervisor at SailFuture, won a 2020 Casey Excellence for Children Award, and is an American Bar Association…

Spreading HOPE during Challenging Times

Spreading HOPE during Challenging Times

The pandemic and recent instances of police brutality have laid bare structural inequities in America. Multiple systems, from law to healthcare, are failing to keep us all safe and healthy. During this time of Covid-19, a recent development, and systemic…

Juneteenth: Reflection, Commitment, and Action

Juneteenth: Reflection, Commitment, and Action

By Chloe Yang, Dr. Robert Sege, and Dr. Dina Burstein. The art above is “Fireworks At Oak Bluffs,” scratchboard, by Sonia Lynn Sadler. Only 154 years ago today, the last enslaved people in the United States were told they were…

Strengthening Families During Covid-19

Strengthening Families During Covid-19

Today’s post is based on an interview with Rev. Darrell Armstrong, pastor of the Shiloh Baptist Church of Trenton, NJ for the past 20 years. He is considered a national leader on issues pertaining to child welfare and family strengthening. Most…

HOPE: Filling in the science behind protective factors

HOPE: Filling in the science behind protective factors

This post is guest authored by Cailin O’Connor, Senior Associate, Center for the Study of Social Policy I was just a few months out of graduate school, having just completed a Master’s degree in Human Development and Family Studies, when…

Addendum to HOPE Stands with Black Lives Matter

Addendum to HOPE Stands with Black Lives Matter

Today’s blog is a brief addendum to our blog from Tuesday, June 2, “HOPE Stands with Black Lives Matter.” First of all, thank you very much for the kind words and comments we received by email and phone since the…

HOPE Stands with Black Lives Matter

HOPE Stands with Black Lives Matter

By Chloe Yang, Dr. Robert Sege, and Dr. Dina Burstein These past few days, the killing of George Floyd has opened a raw wound, one among many, caused by police brutality and a system built on racism. HOPE (Healthy Outcomes…

Teen and Young Adult Engagement during Covid-19

Teen and Young Adult Engagement during Covid-19

Note: The image above was provided by Artists for Humanity, a nonprofit organization of teen artists and designers which HOPE is currently working with. This picture was taken before the Covid-19 pandemic, and we encourage social distancing/public health requirements. It’s…

Challenges and HOPE for Children During Covid-19

Challenges and HOPE for Children During Covid-19

Today’s blog is coming from the perspective of Dr. Bob, the pediatrician. Over the past couple of weeks, I have been working with a wonderful team from the American Academy of Pediatrics to develop information for pediatricians around the country…

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