Today’s blog is a brief addendum to our blog from Tuesday, June 2, “HOPE Stands with Black Lives Matter.”
First of all, thank you very much for the kind words and comments we received by email and phone since the blog was posted. For your interest: this blog has been co-posted at both ACEs connection and the Center for Study of Social Policy websites.
HOPE is not alone. We want to draw attention to related activities of our national collaborators, each of which is represented on the HOPE National Advisory Board:
- Dr. Nia Heard-Garris is the author “Talking With Children About Racism: The Time Is Now” on the American Academy of Pediatrics website, healthychildren.org. Her words of wisdom have been picked up by a number of media outlets, including the Today Show, the New York Times, and CNN.
- Prevent Child Abuse America’s CEO, Melissa Merrick, has issued a statement calling for coordinated action to ensure safe and secure environments for all children.
- Susan Dreyfus, Pres. and CEO of the Alliance for Strong families and Communities, in her statement, says “Our nation can no longer put off having an authentic and difficult national conversation about the realities of systemic racism.”
- Judy Meltzer, CEO of the Center for Study of Social Policy, wrote in her statement; “Our country’s racist roots must be acknowledged and destroyed so we can build a society where all children, youth, and families can thrive”
Reminder: Please join us on our first ever HOPE-sponsored webinar, June 16, from 12:00-1:00PM Eastern time. Using HOPE as a framework, we will discuss ways to address the needs of children and families, including countering persistent systemic racism to create safe, stable and equitable environments for all children to live, learn, and play. If you would like to join us, please register now as our capacity is limited.