We are thrilled to share a new resource, Spreading HOPE. The Spreading HOPE publication describes why HOPE exists, our mission, and more specifics about our goals and strategies.
As the demand for HOPE and positive childhood experiences mounted throughout the last year, the HOPE team faced an ever-growing need for a resource that identifies, distills, and presents the HOPE vision, values, and pathways toward change. Development of Spreading HOPE was led by Health+ Studio (a California-based social impact strategy design studio). They developed and produced this resource over the course of this past fall, involving months of stakeholder interviews, feedback sessions, and team discussions with our National Advisory Board members. Below, our partners at Health+ Studio offer their perspective on the resource:
“Partnering with HOPE to develop Spreading HOPE was deeply rewarding for the team at Health+ Studio. The pages detail HOPE’s reason for being, the issues that drive our work, and how we’re solving them via strategies for practice transformation. The messaging is emotionally engaging, grounded in science, and supports behavior change. The team chose imagery that reflected the diversity of our audience and conveyed the power of positive experiences to support children’s health and well-being. This effort was deeply collaborative, involving many conversations between Health+ and HOPE staff and also with a myriad of colleagues and experts in the fields of early childhood development, Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), and early relational health, among others.”
The new Spreading HOPE piece can be found on the Resources and About pages. We are beyond pleased with Health+ Studio’s work on this, and we so enjoyed our discussions. Now, we’ll leave you with an excerpt from the book’s welcome letter, written by Dr. Robert Sege (Director of the HOPE National Resource Center):
“Dear Friends,
When I’m asked if a brighter future for our children is possible, my answer is an emphatic yes. We have the knowledge and tools to help children lead healthier lives, we just need to put them into practice. That is why we created HOPE—Healthy Outcomes from Positive Experiences.
[…]Through my years of pediatric practice, I’ve witnessed families’ deep wells of strength that allow them to survive and even thrive in the face of adversity. Their wells have been filled with the love they felt as children; now, drawing from these wells, they create positive experiences for their children.
When we, as providers, understand people based on their strengths as well as their difficulties, we can drink from that deep well and work together to address the real challenges for individual families and also the society we share.
Please have a look at our story, and join us as we move together into a new age of hope and reimagine how we support children and families.”
We hope you love the Spreading HOPE Book as much as we do! Please feel free to share the book with others who may be interested in HOPE or strengths-based work. Tell us what you think in the comments below!