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A man and his son standing on the beach

Corey Best, a member of the HOPE National Advisory Board and the Birth Parent National Network (BPNN) | CTF Alliance

HOPE from a parenting perspective is recognizing my child’s ability to grow, to learn, to continue to have a growth mindset, and that his current situation isn’t fixed.

This story is adapted from a blog post Q&A with Corey Best. Click here to read the original post.

“HOPE from a parenting perspective is recognizing [my child’s] ability to grow, to learn, to continue to have a growth mindset, [and that] his current situation isn’t fixed. As long as we try, through positive experiences, there’s HOPE. The pandemic has taken me out of my comfort zone on many levels. It has caused me to think about how I might balance my work and life better, because the time spent with my child has been rewarding. I’ve gotten to see and witness him. I notice that he looks to me for modelling behaviors that he wants to see in himself. COVID has taught me a lot more about parenting. It’s not about disconnection, it’s more about re-connecting with him. This has re-energized a new way of us relating to one another that’s been so impactful to the relationship overall.”

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