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Diverse group of children in a classroom being read a story

The Four Building Blocks for Educators

This is a sector-specific resource about increasing access to the 4 Building Blocks that can be used by educators. Research has shown that Positive Childhood Experiences (PCEs) can help protect against the poor health outcomes associated with Adverse Childhood Experiences…

Diverse group of children in a classroom wearing masks

Building Hope in the Face of Adversity

This handout provides some examples and tips about how to practice HOPE in your life, retraining ourselves to more easily see protective factors by building core HOPE concepts into our self-care routines.

Video still of a hospital room

During Pandemic, Reports of Child Abuse Have Decreased

In this video William Brangham interviews Dr. Rober Sege and other medical providers discussing the fears that child abuse may be rising due to the pandemic. Included with the video is a list of resources recommended by the experts in…

African American woman hugging her daughter, both wearing masks

Children More at Risk for Abuse or Neglect During Coronavirus

This article by USA Today discusses the concerns of the decline in child abuse reporting while schools have become virtual learning spaces. Teachers, social workers, administrators and other in the education field will have a harder time reporting neglect and…

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