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HOPE framework transforms interactions between providers and parents

This paper describes the growing evidence that supports the health effects of positive childhood experiences (PCEs), and uses these insights to promote the HOPE framework: a paradigm shift that will incorporate the identification, celebration, and support of PCEs as an integral part of caring for children and families. The HOPE-informed approach expands current care, shifting from a sole focus on adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) toward an additional focus on PCEs

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Dina Burstein, MD, MPH*, Yang C^, Johnson K, Linkenbach J, Robert Sege, MD, PhD, FAAP*

*Affiliated with the HOPE National Resource Center
^Formerly affiliated with the HOPE National Resource Center


Matern Child Health Journal

Publication Date

May 5, 2021


positive childhood experiences, PCEs, healthy outcomes from positive experiences, HOPE framework, four building blocks of HOPE, adverse childhood experiences, ACEs, covid-19 pandemic, behavioral risk factor surveillance survey, BRFSS,


Burstein D, Yang C, Johnson K, Linkenbach J, Sege R. Transforming Practice with HOPE (Healthy Outcomes from Positive Experiences). Matern Child Health J. 2022 May 5. 25(7):1019-1024. DOI: 10.1007/s10995-021-03173-9.


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