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Shoshana R. Sokoloff, MD, Child, Adolescent, and Adult Psychiatrist

HOPE research underscores that the life experiences we intuitively know are good for children and give meaning to our lives are, indeed, curative!

“Since learning about the Tufts Medical Center Healthy Outcomes from Positive Experiences project, I find myself asking patients explicitly about their history of positive experiences of safe and equitable home, school, and work environments, trusting relationships, meaningful social engagement, and opportunities for learning with self-reflection alongside their histories of trauma. It is reassuring to young people and adults who have experienced multiple childhood traumas – and all the more so to parents of children who have been subjected to trauma – to understand that these building blocks of HOPE mitigate the impact of childhood trauma. The HOPE research underscores that the life experiences we intuitively know are good for children and give meaning to our lives are, indeed, curative! This research should dictate policy and funding for children.”

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