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Headshot of Allison Stephens

Allison Stephens, PhD, MEd

Director of Networks and Policy
HOPE National Resource Center


Allison Stephens, PhD, MEd uses her extensive experience in family and community engagement, including family peer support and systems advocacy, to support the relevance of the HOPE framework for diverse families and communities. Her background spans over 20 years and includes defining clinical treatment protocols, public policy and leadership, K-12/higher education, and children’s mental health. Additionally, Dr. Stephens’ longstanding involvement in social justice activism, advocacy, and policy are especially relevant to HOPE’s commitment to anti-racism, anti-bias, and equity. Since joining HOPE, Dr. Stephens has expanded meaningful community outreach through the National Advisory Board, the new FACEs (Family and Community Experts) Advisory Council, and the HOPE Innovation Network.

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