We [Great Start Collaborative Oakland] are implementing HOPE at an organizational level with one of our local early childhood system stakeholders. It is a process in which we are combining HOPE with other tools and frameworks that aim to increase staff’s strengths and support them where discouragement and frustration have set in, providing a space where they can recognize and implement HOPE’s Four Building Blocks in their daily work.
Learning to incorporate HOPE with other existing frameworks like Strengthening Families [was the most helpful aspect of the Champion training]. We [Bayou Lotus Corporation] have become a certified HOPE organization and are integrating HOPE throughout our organization.
[As a HOPE Champion] I have incorporated HOPE across my 15 programs in 36 counties in my state. I advocated for TDOH [Tennessee Department of Health] Office of Strategic Initiatives to use HOPE in their PCEs [positive childhood experiences] messaging and both state reps plan to get trained as HOPE Facilitators. We [Centerstone] have been working to promote PCEs [positive childhood experiences] with a multigenerational approach for many years, but HOPE is being used to create the common language across all levels and in the community so that we can progress more quickly.
It [HOPE Champion Certification program] is the most powerful personal and professional enrichment/learning activity I have done in a long time.