This space will include ideas, tools and inspirations from across the country and around the world, and will include links to media coverage and publications.
Recent News
The Fifth Annual HOPE Summit returns in June 2025
The HOPE National Resource Center has opened registration for the Fifth Annual HOPE Summit on June 3-4, 2025.
Amie Myrick, MS, LCPC joins the HOPE team
Join the HOPE National Resource Center as our Project Director – Research leading our team on evaluation and policy.
New HOPE study investigating the current research on the effects of positive childhood experiences (PCEs) on health outcomes
Researchers from the HOPE National Resource Center published the first scoping review on positive childhood experiences and health outcomes
Case Study: How YMCA San Diego is making the HOPE framework their own
YMCA San Diego has embraced and implemented the HOPE Framework internally with their staff and externally with cross-sector partners.
Case Study: How SRHD integrated HOPE to build trusting relationships with families, nurses, and staff
Spokane Regional Health District implemented the HOPE framework into the Community Health Division which partners nurses with expecting mothers.
HOPE offers continuing education credits (CMEs/CEUs) for online courses
For eligible online courses, HOPE now offers 2 Continuing Medical Education (CME) or Continuing Education Units (CEU) credits.