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We [Great Start Collaborative Oakland] are implementing HOPE at an organizational level with one of our local early childhood system stakeholders. It is a process in which we are combining HOPE with other tools and frameworks that aim to increase staff’s strengths and support them where discouragement and frustration have set in, providing a space where they can recognize and implement HOPE’s Four Building Blocks in their daily work.

So cool to see who all comes to the table. This is something earth shattering!

It is always such a fun, interactive, and engaging event whenever I take part in a HOPE summit!!

Loved the engaging way presenters held space for participants. It was almost as if we were “in-person”

So authentic and impactful. Connective and inspiring!

Fantastic conference! It is, by far, the best virtual conference I have attended.

I thought this was a great conference, I was fully engaged the entire time, and tired at the end of the day – but filled with HOPE!

Loved the breakout [workshop] sessions. Learned a lot that I can use immediately.

So many great [workshop] session choices, it was hard to choose! I am so glad to hear that we will get the recording to watch others and re-watch the ones I attended.

This was an inspiring and informative event. Thank you so much for putting together an amazing day of HOPEful insights and conversations. Looking forward to seeing everyone [next year].

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