So cool to see who all comes to the table. This is something earth shattering!
It is always such a fun, interactive, and engaging event whenever I take part in a HOPE summit!!
Loved the engaging way presenters held space for participants. It was almost as if we were “in-person”
So authentic and impactful. Connective and inspiring!
Fantastic conference! It is, by far, the best virtual conference I have attended.
I thought this was a great conference, I was fully engaged the entire time, and tired at the end of the day – but filled with HOPE!
Loved the breakout [workshop] sessions. Learned a lot that I can use immediately.
So many great [workshop] session choices, it was hard to choose! I am so glad to hear that we will get the recording to watch others and re-watch the ones I attended.
This was an inspiring and informative event. Thank you so much for putting together an amazing day of HOPEful insights and conversations. Looking forward to seeing everyone [next year].